The influence of media on eating disorders and the self-image in adolescents

Aline Vieira Sá Copetti, Carolina Villanova Quiroga


Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are eating disorders (EDs) of complex and multifactorial etiology. Adolescents are the population most affected by these disorders, indicating severe cases and with high morbidity. With the globalization and the change of the aesthetic standard in force, a lean and longline body image has been advocated. In order to feel themselves belonging to the social environment and to perceive a positive self-image, they choose to change their eating behavior drastically. This article proposes a narrative review of the literature, seeking to discuss issues related to the media, the current aesthetic pattern and how these may influence the development of EDs in adolescents. It was found that social networks and communities on the Internet can influence the emergence or aggravate the EDs. Interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy demonstrated high efficacy. It is observed the importance of the multidisciplinary work in the treatment of this population, with cohesive and assertive interventions, as well as the fundamental role of the family. Further empirical research for the development of evidence-based intervention techniques is needed. It also stimulates reflection on how the media can positively influence the demystification of the current aesthetic pattern, as well as on the importance of encouraging the critical thinking of adolescents about what they observe propagated in the media.


Adolescent; Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; Communications Media; Self Concept


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ISSN 2175-5027

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