Psychoanalysis and the Singularities of a Case of Constipation

Iagor Brum Leitão


This article deals with a case study of an adult man suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and who brought constipation as the main symptom. However, it is important to emphasize that it is not the objective, here, to specifically discuss the issues related to IBS, but rather to present the discussions of the particularities of a clinical case, submitted to psychoanalytic listening, valuing a fundamental device for the theoretical and clinical construction of Psychoanalysis: the case study. The fact that the patient’s mother suffers from Alzheimer’s and lives with him is lived with extreme ambivalence, and her malaise is constantly associated with the difficulty to “support” some situations. Based on the psychoanalytic literature that discusses cases of constipation and the issues surrounding the case here in present, the hypothesis of a relationship between constipation and ambivalence in family relationships, especially in relation to the maternal Other, is discussed. It is concluded that the patient’s symptoms of constipation express the condition in which, in fantasy, the Alzheimer of your mother places her in a position of demand as in the anal stage, where there is demand for feces. Because the demand is perceived as excessive, one has the answer as refusal

Keywords: psychoanalysis, somatization, constipation, case study


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