Relations of Musicality in the Exercise of Reasoning in Adult Musicians

Jéssica Thuane Cordeiro Silva, Fernanda de Sousa Rocha, Gislane Ferreira De Melo, Isabelle Patriciá Freitas Soares Chariglione


This article aims to understand the relationship between reason and musicality in adults. Thus, for better understanding of cognitive abilities influenced by euphonic activity, a quantitative research was conducted with 40 musicians / instrumentalists, between 18 and 64 years (Mean: 32.35 and SD: 11.66), divided into four groups according to organological theory of implementation of instruments: three groups (string, wind or percussion) and a multi-musicians group. In each group was applied Reasoning Tests Battery (BPR-5), comprising the following scales: Verbal Reasoning (RV), Numerical Reasoning (RN), Abstract Reasoning (RA) and Spatial Reasoning (RE). The application of the scales enabled us to understand whether there is relationship between the activity performed and / or instrument used and the performance of the different types of reasoning. Regarding the scales, the group of multi-instrumentalists performed better, in relation to the other musicians, in two of these (RA and RN); the other results of the different groups expressed favorable means based on the standardization of BPR-5. These preliminary results, then, indicate that different types of reasoning can develop and relate to specific types of musicians.


BPR-5; cognition, music; neuropsychology; reasoning


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Copyright (c) 2019 Jéssica Thuane Cordeiro Silva, Fernanda de Sousa Rocha, Gislane Ferreira De Melo, Isabelle Patriciá Freitas Soares Chariglione

ISSN 2175-5027

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