Use of the principles of Lean Construction in works of a traditional company from Goiânia

Raissa Seichi Marchiori


This article promotes a study for construction companies to apply technological innovations in civil construction, using the concepts and principles of the Lean Construction technique, indicating ways to execute a work in a faster, leaner and more economical way, optimizing manpower, time and materials, seeking savings and cost reduction for the company. To start the study, the occurrence of budget overruns was evaluated, comparing the budgeted amount with the amount actually spent on execution, in a traditional company in the city of Goiânia. The objective is to identify the use of the principles of the Lean Construction technique in the works, observing if this leads to improvement, confirming its viability. Through this study it is possible to verify the constant application of these principles in all stages of construction in the analyzed company, seeking continuous improvement.


Lean Construction; Waste; Civil Construction


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