Concrete plants waste as an alternative material to produce cement products: systematic mapping

Walter Batista Bonfim, Igor Mazon Carvalho, Rafael de Paiva Moura, Heber Martins de Paula, Lucas Salomão Rael de Morais


Concrete waste sludge is a cementitious waste from the treatment of wastewater generated during the washing process of concrete mixer yards and trucks in metering plants. This waste is basically composed of water, aggregates, cement paste and additives used for concrete production. Due to its characteristics, such as high pH and high suspended solids content, this material must be properly managed, since, according to CONAMA Resolution nº. 430, the discharge of effluents into the soil cannot pose pollution risks to surface and groundwater. In recent years, both academia and industry have sought to find solutions that reduce the impact of some productive activities on the environment. Therefore, this article aims to present an overview of research related to the incorporation of concrete sludge in cement products. For this, a systematic literature mapping was performed through the CAPES Periodic database using the search strings “concrete sludge” and “fresh concrete waste”, in order to find the main studies related to the studied slope. Thus, through the mapping performed it was possible to realize that, when compared to other types of waste, the study of concrete residual sludge (LRC) is still recent and the impacts of its use have not been completely clarified, thus highlighting the need for further research. in the area.


Concrete waste sludge; Concrete batching plants; Waste; Systemic mapping


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Copyright (c) 2021 Walter Batista Bonfim, Igor Mazon Carvalho, Heber Martins de Paula, Lucas Salomão Rael de Morais

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