Study of free software QGIS in the development of geometric design of highways

Suelem Teixeira Marques, Reynaldo Furtado Faria Filho


The Brazilian teaching method has been evolving more and more. The theoretical knowledge must be always linked to practical knowledge, mainly through the application of real situations within the classrooms. In addition, the technology has brought various means of access to information, such as the Free Open Source Softwares. Therefore, considering the application of these new technologies on the disciplines offered in Universities, the present study proposes the analysis of the free software QGIS’s potencial for the geometric design of a highway. For this, a path was chosen, linking the BR 354 to the thorp of Capela do Abaeté located in the region of Alto Paranaíba in Minas Gerais. The design parameters were based on DNER’s Rural Roads Geometric Design Manual. Also, Civil 3D software was used to generate the preliminary design of the same highway, with the purpose of complementing the Quantum GIS analysis. Also, it was analyzed which steps can be resulted from each software. It was concluded that the QGIS is capable of designing a few steps of a highway project, but with the software improvement by the creation of new plugins specifically for this use, it has a great potential to generate a complete road project.


Design; Highway; Free software; Civil 3D


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Copyright (c) 2022 Suelem Teixeira Marques, Reynaldo Furtado Faria Filho

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