Influence of polishing on color stability of a composite resin after immersion in different coloring substances

Nicole Ruppenthal Amaral, Fernando Freitas Portella, Roberto Zimmer, Eduardo Galia Reston, Guilherme Anziliero Arossi


Objective: To evaluate the degree of pigmentation of composite resin immersed in distilled water, shoyu sauce and red wine, with different polishing methods. Method: 90 specimens of A2 enamel composite resin (4 mm of top diameter, 3 mm of bottom diameter and 2 mm of thickness) were made, equally divided into three groups, according to the surface treatment carried out (without polishing, polishing with Diamond Pro and polishing with sandpaper). The 30 samples from each group were divided into three subgroups (n = 10) and immersed in different solutions (water, shoyu sauce and red wine). The colorimetric analysis was performed previously, 7 and 15 days after the samples immersion in the solutions, with the aid of a colorimeter. The data were submitted to ANOVA/Tukey tests considering a significance level of 5%. Results: Samples immersed in water showed little color variation (E = 2.2), with the exception of those that did not receive polishing (E = 7.8). Red wine showed a significant higher pigmentation potential (E = 15), regardless of the polishing method, while shoyu sauce (E = 11) demonstrated to pigment the polished samples with sandpaper with greater intensity. Conclusion: It is necessary to finish and polish the composite resin properly so that the degree of pigmentation is as low as possible. Regarding coloring foods, it is concluded that both shoyu sauce and red wine pigment the composite resin, but the wine pigments with greater intensity.


composite resin; pigmentation; polishing dental


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