Oral manifestations from crack consumption

Sérgio Spezzia


Objective: Crack has been consumed a lot nowadays, configuring the illicit drug of preference among those available for use, considering that this drug is capable of causing chemical dependence to the user, being at the same time of reduced cost for acquisition. Many dental implications are evidenced at the oral level, resulting from the use of crack. The purpose of this article was to find out about the oral implications that the use of crack can have. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out with a survey of the bibliographic databases: Google Scholar, LILACS, PubMED of studies and articles dealing with the oral manifestations caused, due to the use of crack. Results: Related to the dental implications present from the consumption of crack, there may be triggering of periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis; lesions in the oral mucosa; reduction of salivary flow; involvement by caries lesions; tooth loss and neglect on the part of patients who use their self-care with oral hygiene. In patients who are in a situation of chemical dependence in relation to the consumption of crack, there is only a perception of the precarious conditions of their oral health when living with abstinence from this drug. Conclusion: The dental approach that is provided to crack users is essential to avoid future complications and the implementation of curative dental treatments endowed with greater complexity, in this context, this approach should occur early.


Street Drugs; Crack Cocaine; Oral Health; Public Health


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-510X.2020.v9i2.3906


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