Practical and effective conducts of the dental surgery in front of the patient in treating head and neck cancer: literature review

Esdras Gabriel Alves-Silva, José Manuel Peixoto Caldas, Brenda Paula Figueiredo de Almeida Gomes, Rejane Andrade de Carvalho, Maria Sueli Marques Soares, Heloísa Helena Pinho Veloso


The aim of the present study is to highlight a literature review on the possible treatments that the dental surgeon needs to face the main oral health problems caused by cancer treatment. The work was carried out through the data systems PUBMED, MEDLINE, BBO, SCIELO, LILACS, CIÊNCIA DIRETA, COCHRANE AND BBO. The main strategy to combat these neoplasms is the form of prevention, but cancer has inherited etiological factors, exposure to dangerous agents (smoking, alcohol, HPV, etc.) that can increase the chances of its occurrence. Traditional methods of cancer treatment are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment is instituted depending on the individual’s location, degree of malignancy and health condition. Dental care before cancer treatment reduces the risk and severity of oral complications, prevents, eliminates or reduces pain of oral origin, preserves or improves oral health, contributes to improving quality of life. It is concluded that in view of the important effects on oral tissues, knowledge or knowledge on the part of the dental surgeon is necessary, so that it can perform the prevention and reduction of such damages.


Radiotherapy; Head and Neck Neoplasms; Oral Complications


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