Modification and evaluation of 35% phosphoric acid gel with flavoring agent

Ana Paula Rodrigues Gonçalves, Luiza Helena Silva de Almeida, Bruna Rodolfo, Ana Laura de Oliveira Plá, Fernanda G. Pappen, Rafael Ratto Moraes


Objectives: Etching of dental hard tissues surfaces with 35% phosphoric acid is usually used to provide micromechanical interlocking with dental adhesives. When washed from the surface, the acid can cause a bitter taste unpleasant to the patient. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the addition of a flavoring agent to 35% phosphoric acid gel and investigate whether there is change in the fundamental characteristics of this material, including its ability to demineralize dental surfaces. Methods: In addition to a control group (without flavoring agent), groups were tested with the addition of 0.5% or 3% of the flavoring compound (pineapple flavor powder, Bio Green Ingredients) to 35% phosphoric acid. Analyses of viscosity, pH stability and demineralization of enamel surfaces by scanning electron microscopy were carried out, as well microshear bond strength to enamel. Results: Although the groups had minor differences among themselves, none of the changes were significant, except the increased viscosity of the gel containing 3% of the flavoring agent. Conclusions: The addition of flavoring agent to 35% phosphoric acid gel conditioner seems to be a viable alternative to reduce the problems related to contact with the unpleasant taste of the material, since it promoted no negative changes in the characteristics and behavior of the acid.


flavoring agents; dental materials; acid etching; shear strength


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