Evaluation of the prevalence of teeth agenesis of second premolars of the patients from the Dentistry School of Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha

Luiza Ourique Sirianni, Ana Lurdes Conte Acunha Gonçalves


The mixed dentition, characterized by the replacement of deciduous teeth by permanent, may present some flaws, called dental development anomalies. These anomalies have different degrees of severity that vary from the chronological delay in odontogenesis, to the complete absence of the dental germ, also denominated dental agenesis. This study has the purpose of evaluating the prevalence of second premolar agenesis of the dental complex of Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha, as well as compare the results obtained with the world literature and to verify the difference between the sexes. Methods: This research is based on a cross-sectional study which aims to analyze panoramic radiographs of patients attended at FO-FSG in the years from 2015 to 2017 with ages from 10 to 30 years, with the purpose of verifying the prevalence of agenesis of the second premolars. Results: A total of 559 panoramic radiographs were evaluated, from a total of 3,460 registered dental records. In relation to the total prevalence, the following indexes were observed for the male sex: tooth 15 (2,2%), tooth 25 (1,7%), tooth 35 (0,4%) and tooth 45 (0,7%). For females, the indexes were: tooth 15 (1,9%), tooth 25 (1,3%), tooth 35 (1,3%) and tooth 45 (0,7%). Conclusion: The prevalence rate of second premolar agenesis of patients at the dentistry faculty of Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha was relatively low, taking into account the number of patients involved, and also did not present a statistically relevant difference between sex and age.


Anodontia; Congenital Abnormalities; Orthodontics; Prevalence; cross-sectional studies


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-510X.2019.v8i2.3053


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