Anterior aesthetic rehabilitation associating periodontal surgery with ceramic laminates: case report

Klissia Romero Felizardo, Letícia Minali, Kamila Aparecida Marchi Silva, Eduardo Augusto Pfau, Rayana Soares de Andrade, Murilo Baena Lopes


Objective: The aim of this study was to report a case of aesthetic rehabilitation through laminates and periodontal surgery as a form of treatment for the dental element agenesis 22 and gummy smile associated with lip retraction. Case Report: Patient, female gender, came to the Clinic Multidisciplinary of Unipar (head office/Umuarama) reporting dissatisfaction with the smile aesthetic harmony, with short crown and dental element agenesis. Based on gingival contour anatomy, a gingivectomy surgery (inner bevel with osteotomy) was indicated for the anterossuperior region. The increase in clinical crown was projected by the termination of diagnosis, thereby a guide, that it was used for the realization of the intra-oral diagnostic test mock-up, and support at the periodontal surgery. After 60 days the patient referred for the performance of restorative procedures with the making of laminates. Conclusion: It was concluded through clinical results obtained, that the multidisciplinary action gave her the smile aesthetic harmony back and improvement in quality of life.


Dental Veneers; Dental esthetics; Periodontics


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