Endocrown in premolar using lithium disilicate-reinforced ceramic: a case report

Nereu Roque Dartora, Michele Bortoluzzi De Conto Ferreira, Aloísio Oro Spazzin, Manoel Damião Sousa Neto, Gustavo Dartora, Erica Alves Gomes


This study reported a clinical case about restoration of an endodontically treated tooth using an endocrown in lithium disilicate-reinforced ceramic fabricated by CAD/CAM system. Case of a female patient, 48 years old who presented coronal fracture of an endodontically treated tooth. Restoration with endocrown in lithium disilicate-reinforced ceramic fabricated by CAD/CAM system was indicated. The crowns were evaluated using a California Dental Association (CDA) quality assessment system at baseline and at follow-up examination. Endocrown in lithium disilicate-reinforced ceramic fabricated by CAD/CAM system was a reliable restorative alternative for an endodontically treated premolar. The minimally invasive prepare for endocrown preserves maximum tooth structure as a gold standard for tooth restorations. In addition, such restorative alternative is advantageous in comparison to conventional full post-and-core supported crown since it presents appropriate mechanical performance and longevity as a lower cost and faster clinical procedure.

Palabras clave

CAD; CAM; ceramic; tooth nonvital

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-510X.2017.v6i2.2265

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Journal of Oral Investigations - JOI (ISSN 2238-510X)
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